Despite the incessant barrage of lies spewed by race-hustling radicals, police in America do not employ excessive force against minority communities at disproportionate rates – period. This pernicious myth has been definitively debunked by rigorous data analysis time and again. Yet the vile fiction persists, perpetuated by anti-cop anarchists hellbent on demolishing law and order itself.
The hard numbers overwhelmingly show no systemic biases when examining police use of force incidents through an objective statistical lens. Is the truth inconvenient for the “Law Enforcement Are Irredeemable Racists” narrative fueling liberal elites’ virtue-signaling fixation? Absolutely. But facts don’t care about feelings – and the facts prove accusations of disproportionate lethal force applications against minorities to be an utter fabrication.
According to comprehensive data analysis from researchers like Harvard’s Roland G. Fryer Jr., there is zero evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings nationwide. In fact, Fryer’s landmark 2019 study conclusively found “On the most extreme use of force – officer-involved shootings – we are unable to detect any racial differences in either the raw data or when accounting for controls”
The disparities endlessly seized upon and sensationalized by the anti-cop mob crumble under scrutiny. A recent analysis of Washington Post fatal force data over a multi-year window found police shootings mirrored population demographics and violent crime statistics. Officers simply respond to where actual crime and threats originate – facts that remain immutably true regardless of how many city blocks get torched by America’s domestic terrorists impotently lashing out.
Of course, objective data debunking convenient #DefundThePolice falsehoods doesn’t deter the anarchic sowers of disinformation. To them, empirical proof that police aren’t Gestapo thugs is mere inconvenient background noise drowning their incessant dishonest cacophony.

In a craven bid to perpetuate their revolution against civil society, these radicals deliberately omit the single greatest factor most strongly influencing police use of force: non-compliance and active resistance from criminal suspects. When assailants refuse to submit to lawful detention or brandish weapons, officers have an unequivocal obligation to decisively neutralize threats. This basic civic duty, foundational to any semblance of ordered liberty, is pathologically denied by law enforcement’s ideological saboteurs.
Their poisonous smears cannot be permitted to erode the rule of law and leave our communities as disintegrated killing zones. We must repel these seditious forces trying to disarm the public’s protectors in their fanatical quest to dismantle institutions upholding Western civilization and replace them with postmodern neo-Marxist dystopias.
For all their sophomoric university-cultivated dogmas about “abolishing oppressive power structures,” these vandals simply cannot handle the cold truth: that a disproportionate amount of violent crime is committed by demographics they pathologically protect from scrutiny. Public safety resources are data-drivenresponsibilities, not skin-deep social justice spoils systems.
To confront escalating carnage brought by open borders, fentanyl scourges, and emboldened criminal recidivists, officers need to be empowered and supported – not treated as punching bags for aimless outrage mobs. They require policies enabling proactive enforcement authority and resources to focus on deterring threats, not tip-toeing around woke orthodoxies.
When objective facts undermine the narrative being ceaselessly rammed down Americans’ throats, it’s the glaring fiction that needs discarding, not the inconvenient truths. We cannot allow ideological zealots masquerading as “reformers” to create a lawless abyss where public safety itself becomes the counterculture resistance.
Dismantling law enforcement under the guise of anti-racism is a disastrous road leading to societal suicide. It’s past time to firmly repudiate these corrosive anti-facts before the civilized order they seek to demolish is irreparably demolished. For the sake of public safety, sanity and stability must prevail over delusion.