For years now, we’ve witnessed the American Left’s deranged crusade against the brave men and women who pin on the badge every day. From woke politicians defunding police budgets to anarchists rioting and assaulting officers in the streets – the unhinged anti-cop campaign has raged full bore. What’s left in its wake? Utter devastation in our nation’s most vulnerable communities and the inexorable collapse of law and order.
This destructive ideology of “police abolition” is nothing short of civilizational suicide. Built on vile lies about “systemic racism” and unaddressed police brutality, it’s a venomous cancer poisoning public discourse with racial arson and lawless chaos as the only prescriptions. Just last week in Democrat-ravaged Chicago, police report over 50 officers were injured by maniac rioters – some with broken bones and skull fractures. Is that the Left’s idea of “justice?”
When terrorists call to “defund” and abolish police, what they really mean is dismantling centuries of civic culture and jurisprudence upholding the social contract. It’s a manifesto for empowering savagery, where only the strong and criminal are free to prey on the weak. All so delicate liberal sensibilities remain un-triggered while America burns.
Just look at the catastrophe unfolding daily in the Democrat-run hieroglyphics of despair that used to be thriving US cities. Coordinated smash-and-grab robberies decimating retailers, carjackings besieging motorists – this inexcusable anarchy is the poisoned fruit of Democrats’ “re-imaginepolicing” lunacy like defunding and neutering proactive enforcement policies.
In Seattle, the month after the City Council caved to Marxist agitators’ demands and stripped $40 million from police budgets – homicides spiked a staggering 61%. But facts demolishing the “reform” lie are irrelevant to these zealots.
The despicable Black Lives Matter rioters who torched Minneapolis and terrorized Kenosha made clear their motives – abolishing the police and dismantling American society as we know it. This toxic “ACAB” crusade has now fully metastasized from the fringe fever swamps into the Democrat mainstream.
Even progressive DAs unironically champion ensuring “there’s no accountability for combatting crime.” Officers doing their sworn duties are vilified and scapegoated with ever-escalating hostility. It’s a concerted Marxist assault on our most fundamental civil institutions upholding civilization.
The recent cold-blooded assassination attempt on two El Monte police officers serves as a tragic inflection point. Ambushed and shot point-blank, the young deputies were deliberately targeted by a depraved gang of hateful zealots hellbent on declaring open bloody war on law enforcement itself. No matter your partisan affiliation, this grotesque act should shake every American to their core.
Still, we hear Democrats shamelessly double down with despicable smears rather than issue any unambiguous condemnation. Blame-shifting from one phony “bad apple” scapegoat to the next while fanning the flames. Empty moral vacuums unfit to breathe the same air, much less lead.
How much more bedlam and barbarity must proliferate before these anarcho-nihilists are recognized for what they are – harbingers of domestic terrorism hell-bent on torching all vestiges of public order? How many more officers’ lives must be stolen in service of “racial equity” anti-human agendas rooted in the vilest distortions of Marxist ideology?
The bitter truth is we’re staring into the abyss of a post-civilizational breakdown actively being spurred on by sinister “progressive” forces masquerading as arbiters of peace and justice. The anodyne euphemisms of “reform” are merely Trojan horses for unleashing untrammeled barbarism upon law-abiding citizens.
If these Democrat radicals succeed, stripping all tools for enforcing public safety away from America’s thin blue line, the cities and communities we’ve built will swiftly devolve into burned-out urban killzones where only the most depraved and merciless predators reign.
This destructive ideological pathogen cannot be permitted to spread another inch. Enough is enough. We must stand with America’s police against these vile culture arsonists hell-bent on destroying the civic society so many heroically sacrificed to uphold and defend. The alternative is the utter dissolution of our very civilization itself into chaos and darkness.