In the aftermath of my excoriating takedown of police putting on a debased “Pride” parade act, some may think I’ve had my say on law enforcement impropriety. But a new moral panic has arisen—the sight of officers kneeling in fealty to the Black Lives Matter movement’s race-hustling agitators. It’s just as unacceptable.
Let’s quickly dispense with the dishonest “racial reckoning” lie. America isn’t institutionally racist—it’s the privilege footstool our self-abasing elites use to signal their wokeness bona fides. Black Lives Matter founders admit to being “trained Marxists”—you can’t get less American than that. Their aim? Sowing anarchic division, not reform.
Which makes police validating this anti-cop farce even more of a self-immolating disgrace. These street radicals call for defunding the police and prison abolition! Their “mostly peaceful” temper tantrums feature indefensible property destruction, violent assaults, and society’s unraveling—mayhem officers are sworn to prevent.

Yet rather than staying neutral while upholding law and order, some cowardly departments have police literally kneeling before the unhinged mob like subjects being broken. The psychological dagger-thrust of such imagery cannot be overstated—authority itself is being made to show deference and bend the knee to fringe peddlers of racial arson and nihilism.

Others pander with blasphemous empty gestures like scrawling repulsive BLM graffiti on their cruisers—vehicles purchased with taxpayer dollars never intended for “The Oppressors’ Race War” billboard use. These aren’t just capitulations to postmodern racialist dogma, but unaccountably unilateral decisions by unelected bureaucrats using public resources to signal ideology. If taxpayers of all backgrounds don’t submit to Critical Race Theory’s original sin dicta, what gives managerial mediocrities fighting overcompensation impulses the right to declare Maoist fealty in our name?
It’s a dangerous road to police not only betraying their civic duties but being repurposed as policy-enforcing arms of the social justice clerisy’s pet political causes. Law enforcement is for impartial peacekeeping, not auxiliary street theater rally props for the Marxist revolution’s self-anointed vanguard.

Some may still object: “But isn’t being vocally anti-racist the right and moral thing for police to do? Wouldn’t it help dispel perceptions of systemic prejudice?” This line of soft bigotry masquerading as high-minded uplift needs to be buried—there are no “racist” or “anti-racist” police forces, only law enforcement that treats every American equally under the law or a lawless regime that doesn’t.
Of course we must root out any residual individual racism in the ranks—humanity’s oldest evil demands constant vigilance. But to posit a flawless society free of sin, vice, or universal human failings as the only acceptable metric for law enforcement is delusional utopianism doomed to create more division than unity.
The fact remains that less than 1% of those killed by police in 2022 were unarmed suspects—a statistically minuscule fraction of millions of interactions, with no racial disparities when factoring in demographic crime rates. While every life is precious, the sordid truth is that the number of actual “victims of racist police brutality” doesn’t remotely justify upending centuries of jurisprudence and order.

There’s a chasm between reasonably lobbying for earnest accountability reforms and cynically using corpses as moral blackmail battering rams to empower Black Lives Matter’s fringe agendas of undiluted Marxist revolution. A solemn civic institution reenforcing such contemptible deceit is reprehensible.
We can and should constantly work to improve law enforcement while recognizing their vital role merits gratitude, not racial arson and sedition. Martin Luther King Jr.’s peaceful Christian ethics of non-violent protest and rejecting victimhood as an identity proved how to enact moral awakenings under the rule of law. Change comes through evolving hearts and minds, not ideological extortion or threatening anarchy unless civilization itself capitulates to the mob’s demands.
Police are defenders of the civil society we inherit from our forefathers. When they kneel before anarcho-tyrannical forces of societal desecration, they don’t “take accountability” so much as sacrifice their souls. No level of woke depravity exhibitionism—be it promoting puerile sexual deviances or kowtowing to neo-racist identitarians–makes up for that unforgivable loss of honor. America’s protectors must have the courage to say “enough” by locking the culture war outside their Station’s walls and recommitting to their sacred oaths.
The order they keep isn’t just for public safety, but for the preservation of all we hold dear. If that last bulwark falls to dissolution, chaos and civilizational collapse follows soon after. Our men and women in blue can’t fail us now.