Every June, we’re bombarded with the now-familiar sights of oversexualized “Pride” spectacles littering our city streets — displays of unmentionable public depravities, all while demanding mainstream sanction and stamping out any dissent. Inexplicably, an increasing number of big city police departments have made the unconscionable decision to entertain and even take part in these degenerate sideshows, “celebrating” right alongside the celebrated degenerates themselves. It’s a repulsive, stomach-churning spectacle that makes an utter mockery of the principles of civil law enforcement.
Let’s start with the obvious — these annual “Pride” festivities have departed entirely from their supposed origins of protesting institutional discrimination and fighting for basic equal rights and dignity. They’ve degenerated into little more than grifter-laden excuses to parade around in quasi-legal sex kinks, hawk risqué and pornographic “goods” in front of children, and disseminate aggressive propaganda for depraved lifestyles and radical gender ideology. These are no longer citizens united around a shared noble cause, but a confederacy of sickos indulging their worst proclivities in broad daylight and daring anyone to shame them for it.
Which brings us to the central question — what business do officers sworn to uphold the law have involving themselves with such a debauched farce of immorality? A parade is supposed to be a family-friendly civic event, a celebration of American community and citizenship. It’s not supposed to resemble a Sodom and Gomorrah bacchanalia revival, with public nudity, open depictions of sexual acts, and violence against protesters a hair’s breadth away at every turn. Honest, hard-working Americans of good faith don’t want the people sworn to protect their communities and maintain public order to instead take part in spitting in the face of decency and public decorum.

Defenders of this practice may claim disingenuously that police participation helps “build ties” and “improve relations” with the LGBTQ community. What an insultingly arrogant presumption. The vast majority of law-abiding LGBTQ citizens want the same respect and equal protection from law enforcement as anyone else — not to have police officers validate and affirm their private sexual identities by marching in a parade. They just want to live freely and unmolested, which is the bare minimum ask of a democratic society’s law enforcement professionals. Everything else is a divisive sideshow unrelated to the mission of public safety.
Which brings me to my next point. Police officers and the departments they work for are meant to impartially enforce laws and procedures, not pledge allegiance or provide symbolic sanction to niche ideological tribes or controversial social causes far afield of traditional civic order and community standards. By marching in Pride parades, they implicitly endorse, whether they intend to or not, the fundamental credo that “love is love” and there are “infinite genders” requiring celebration and public affirmation — no matter how biologically unnatural, destructive or out of sync with bedrock American values and traditions the implications may be. This isn’t state neutrality — it’s the troubling appearance of state-sponsored approval and even evangelism of a socially corrosive ideology fundamentally at odds with reality and even the worldviews of many earnest, well-meaning LGBTQ people who simply want to be left alone to live their lives.

To those who naively claim police involvement somehow improves “community relations” — wake up and get real. All it does is further alienate the silently sane majority who don’t want their hard-earned tax dollars funnelled into paying officers to dress up and LARP as parade clowns and street activists instead of doing the difficult, often thankless work of serving and protecting. If these departments genuinely want to rebuild fraying public trust, they should ditch the distracting culture war pageantry and instead focus on doing their jobs — keeping citizens safe and deterring crime without prejudice and with unapologetic impartiality. But of course, that politically inconvenient truth is not the point of these “Pride-ful” antics. They’re too busy chasing empty virtue signals and pats on the head from the corporate liberal elite.
Speaking of which, it’s worth scrutinizing the modern corporate pandering element to this entire disturbing phenomenon. Watching global megacorporations, vacuous celebrities, billion-dollar sports conglomerates, and now even law enforcement agencies shove Pride-themed branding and iconography down our throats every June is nothing short of dystopian. To see storied badges and patches of American law enforcement recolored into gaudy corporate knockoffs in fealty to this cult-like ideology should be instantly recognizable for the degrading insult that it is. This isn’t fighting injustice or protecting a marginalized identity group; it’s a profaning and remaking of the uniforms and symbols of public safety in the image of a bizarrely marketed, gaudy celebration of hedonism and sexual deviancy. Underneath the veneer, these people are not progressive thought leaders or voices for tolerance and inclusion. They are sworn defenders of American civic life and values — meant to keep the peace for all citizens, preserve public order and decency codes, and ensure the survival and endurance of our national traditions and identity for future generations to inherit. Not activists leveraging the immense public trust vested in them to sow societal division and moral decay in service of radicals demanding absolute fealty to their deviating eccentricities and proclivities.

The harsh truth is that engaging this performative “Pride” garbage actively subverts the very purpose of professional policing and its core mission to protect the citizenry. Police officers aren’t parade pawns to be leveraged as promotional billboards for opportunistic cultural agitators demanding everyone reorder their values and belief systems around affirmation of their sexual identities and lifestyles. They are protectors and, yes, moral enforcers of standards of civic propriety that stretch back to the civic societies of antiquity. They are meant to be exemplars of order, duty, and faithfulness to the inheritance of our civilization and its legacy institutions — not ideological subversives.
If this once-great nation and its traditions have any chance of survival against the nihilistic forces battering it, the men and women under the nation’s badges and on its streets must decisively divorce themselves from this entire cringeworthy “Pride” debacle tarnishing their integrity and honor. They must stand up for decency, for standards, and for civilization itself by unapologetically upholding the duties they swore an oath to carry out. The long-overdue reclamation of these disgraced uniforms starts with them having the moral courage to stop marching for the decadent and the depraved and start standing tall for truth, justice, and the American way again. It’s time they act like it again — for all our sakes.